In the reign of Sinuhun Pakubuwana II (1726-1749), Sultan Kartasura precisely moved to Solo on February 17, 1745. New royal palace in Solo was named Kraton Surakarta Sultanate. Surakarta Sultanate Palace is a palace Kasunanan Surakarta. This is the last royal palace Palace Kingdom of Mataram, was established in the village of Sala (Solo), a small port on the west bank Bengawan (river) Concrete / Solo. After the official palace of the kingdom of Mataram was completed, the village name was changed to Surakarta Sultanate. The palace was also a silent witness to the transfer of sovereignty by Susuhunan Pakubuwono Mataram Kingdom II to the VOC in the year 1749. After the Treaty of Surakarta December 11, 1749.
Palace (Palace) in Surakarta is one of the exotic buildings in his time. One architect of this palace is Prince Mangkubumi (holding the title of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I) which is also the main architect of Sultan Palace. Therefore it is not surprising that the basic pattern of the second spatial palace (the Yogyakarta and Surakarta), many have a general equation.
Keraton Surakarta as can be witnessed today was not built simultaneously in 1744-1745, but was built in stages by maintaining basic spatial patterns that remain the same as initially. Development and large-scale restoration recently performed by Susuhunan Pakubuwono X (Sunan PB X) who reigns from 1893 to 1939. Most of the palace is nuanced white and blue with a mixture of Javanese-style architecture of Europe.